Our start was humble and simple at 2003, then when expanded and grew to be one of the biggest and most trusted companies in Iraq. And through our main branch in Iraq we were able to succeed in all our bussiness and made a trustworthy fine reputation which allowed us to expand in new markets.
Since the beginning our strategic plan was to build and develop a group of companies with various activities, thus making a base for a dynamic growth in the international markets mixed between Iraqi generosity and international experiences thus making us proudly connected with a variety of business in all the domains across the globe…
Through scientific research and careful planning our group made a fine reputation as a business partner having an impressive growth performance through out the years by following the latest work methodologies in all our businesses fields, ZSCO group high standards allowed it to acquire the ISO9001 and acquiring the Iraqi Quality prize.
Commercial and industrial group of companies including many specialized companies covering automobiles Heavy equipment, after sales services, real estate investments, general transportation, travel and tourism,aviation...ect
The zsco group of companies depend on perfect and quality of production in order to implant credibility in the buser and emphasis on creating trust between the producer and the customer One of the priorities of zsco group companies, customer service provide the best and most efficient, from the discreet product to provide the level of after sales services the companies Which are covered by the Zsco group companies attracted the best experiences on the design, manufacturing and marketinglevels, and more than that they meet the desire and the need for the consumer through means of communication or direct questionnaire with the community in order to identify problems and ways to treat them and overcome them ZSCO group companies, provide quality and confidence on profitability and quantity, and more than that it was dose to the consumer in the providing of facilities, hoping to provide support and dissolving the difficulties which are facing the citizens.